On Wednesday, May 4, 2016 9:24:40 AM EDT Dennis Kliban wrote:
> I see value in keeping around older builds. That is the reason for having 
> 'tested-nightly' directory that contains the last build that passed all
> pulp-smash tests. How many of the passing builds would we want to 
> around?
> The 'nightly' directory contains packages that were built successfully.
> However, may not have passed tests. How many of the past nightly 
> should we keep? 

I only have arbitrary answers to these questions, but perhaps 3-7ish 
days? Or we could make it complicated and keep a strange pattern with 
gaps in it. Where 0 is today, and -1 is yesterday, etc., something like this:


Obviously since the window slides, we can't have the -8 slide too since we 
deleted yesterday's -7 already. This idea is over complicated, but also 
kind of neat so I thought I'd share. Really, just 3 days is fine.

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