The Pulp development team does 3 week sprints and intends to demo new features and notable bugfixes after each one. These demos are recorded and will be shared via pulp-list.

Here are two demos in one e-mail: (1) the one from 3 weeks ago and (2) the demo that occurred today. Both demos focus mostly on upcoming features going into Pulp 2.9.0.

These and all Pulp videos should become part of the Pulp group on Vimeo [0].

=== Sprint 2 demo (4/30 - 5/20) ===

Welcome (0:00)
Langpacks support added (1:54)
No-op behavior added for publish (12:03)

=== Sprint 3 demo (5/21 - 6/10) ===

Welcome (0:00)
State of Pulp (1:21) demo (7:27)
Yum repo publish uses configured checksums everywhere (13:48)
Repo View support (23:49)
Errata install improvement. landing in 2.8+ (30:30)



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