I kind of always hoped something like this would pop up as a Cockpit module
seeing as Pulp is a mostly Red Hat creation, but I certainly won't knock
this until I've tried it!

Good on you for making something like this for us folks who aren't Katello
 - Kodiak

On Mon, Aug 22, 2016 at 3:50 PM, Russell E. Glaue <rgl...@cait.org> wrote:

> I know there has been discussion off and on from pulp users about wanting
> a WebUI for Pulp.
> I know there is one out there now named sponge, though quite old
>   https://github.com/stpierre/sponge
> I am inquiring if anyone would like to help build a WebUI for Pulp based
> on ng-admin
>   https://github.com/marmelab/ng-admin
> It seems crazy easy to do with any RESTful API. And Pulp has a RESTful API.
> I have been successful, within an hour's time, to write a first step WebUI
> using ng-admin (see below).
> Perhaps someone with know-how, interest, and some time, can help?
> You only need to know basic Javascript and the Pulp REST API to build this
> WebUI.
> Based on AngularJS 1.4, ng-admin is used to add an AngularJS admin GUI /
> WebUI to any RESTful API.
> The only code that needs to be written is a little Javascript Object Code
> in an HTML page.
> It is really straight forward to create a beautiful and functional CRUD
> WebUI, only using an HTML5 AngularJS app that accesses the existing Pulp
> The only caveat is I had to come up with an authentication-work-around
> because, I am not sure how to give the ng-admin app an authenticated Pulp
> session.
> So, to test ng-admin without authentication one can create an
> authenticated reverse-proxy with Apache on the Pulp server.
> (This assumes user/password is the default admin/admin)
> /etc/httpd/conf.d/pulpauthreverseproxy.conf
> -
> LoadModule proxy_module modules/mod_proxy.so
> LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/mod_proxy_http.so
> SSLProxyEngine on
> RequestHeader set Authorization "Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4="
> ProxyPass /abc_secret_poorman_method/pulp/api/
> https://pulp.example.com/pulp/api/
> ProxyPassReverse /abc_secret_poorman_method/pulp/api/
> https://pulp.example.com/pulp/api/
> -
> Here, I have created a little bit of the ng-admin Javascript code that
> works with Pulp, tested with Pulp 1.9.2 REST API.
> index.html
> -
> <!doctype html>
> <html lang="en">
>   <head>
>     <title>Pulp Admin</title>
>     <link rel="stylesheet" href="build/ng-admin.min.css">
>   </head>
>   <body ng-app="myApp">
>     <div ui-view></div>
>     <script src="build/ng-admin.min.js"></script>
>     <script type="text/javascript">
>     var myApp = angular.module('myApp', ['ng-admin']);
>     // Main Config
>     myApp.config(['NgAdminConfigurationProvider', 
> function(NgAdminConfigurationProvider)
> {
>         var nga = NgAdminConfigurationProvider;
>         // create an admin application
>         var admin = nga.application('Pulp Admin')
>             .baseApiUrl('https://pulp.example.com/abc_secret_
> poorman_method/pulp/api/v2/');
>         // create a Pulp Repositories entity
>         // the API endpoint for this entity will be '
> https://pulp.example.com/abc_secret_poorman_method/pulp/
> api/v2/repositories/:id
>         var repositories = nga.entity('repositories');
>         // set the fields of the repositories entity list view
>         repositories.listView().fields([
>             nga.field('id').isDetailLink(true),
>             nga.field('display_name'),
>             nga.field('description')
>         ]);
>         repositories.creationView().fields([
>             nga.field('id'),
>             nga.field('display_name'),
>             nga.field('description'),
>             // these do not work as-is, because values are of an array.
>             // change this to support values as an array
>             nga.field('importer_type_id', 'choice')
>                 .choices([
>                     { label: 'yum_importer', value: 'yum_importer' }
>                 ]),
>             nga.field('distributors.distributor_id', 'choice')
>                 .choices([
>                     { label: 'yum_distributor', value: 'yum_distributor' }
>                 ]),
>             nga.field('distributors.distributor_type_id', 'choice')
>                 .choices([
>                     { label: 'yum_distributor', value: 'yum_distributor' }
>                 ]),
>             nga.field('distributors.auto_publish', 'choice')
>                 .choices([
>                     { label: 'TRUE', value: 'true' },
>                     { label: 'FALSE', value: 'false' }
>                 ])
>         ]);
>         // use the same fields for the editionView as for the creationView
>         repositories.editionView().fields(repositories.
> creationView().fields());
>         // add the repositories entity to the admin application
>         admin.addEntity(repositories);
>         // create a Pulp User entity
>         var users = nga.entity('users')
>             .identifier(nga.field('login'));
>         users.listView().fields([
>             nga.field('name'),
>             nga.field('login'),
>             nga.field('roles')
>         ]);
>         admin.addEntity(users);
>         // this does not load properly as configured
> //        var status = nga.entity('status');
> //        // set the fields of the user entity list view
> //        status.listView().fields([
> //            nga.field('versions.platform_version'),
> //            nga.field('database_connection.connected'),
> //            nga.field('messaging_connection.connected')
> //        ]);
> //        admin.addEntity(status);
>         // create a Pulp Tasks entity
>         var tasks = nga.entity('tasks');
>         tasks.listView().fields([
>             nga.field('state'),
>             nga.field('start_time'),
>             nga.field('finish_time'),
>             nga.field('task_type')
>         ]);
>         admin.addEntity(tasks);
>         // attach the admin application to the DOM and run it
>         nga.configure(admin);
>     }]);
>     </script>
>   </body>
> </html>
> -
> Steps to get this code working. (Instructions assume CentOS/RHEL 6/7 OS)
> 1. Clone the ng-admin git repository into /var/www/html
>  git clone https://github.com/marmelab/ng-admin.git
> 2. drop the above index.html file into /var/www/html/ng-admin/index.html
> and change the pulp server name.
> 3. Setup the Apache reverse proxy authentication, drop above file
> /etc/httpd/conf.d/pulpauthreverseproxy.conf
> 4. restart httpd
> 5. in browser goto: https://yourpulpserver/ng-admin/
> Any interest?
> -RG
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