I would love for all the pulp components to be easily installable via pip
install. That will probably require moving a lot of the data-manipulation
that is happening in the rpm spec files into setup.py.

Also, I am not sure how well pulp would handle the new paths for things
like the json file that defines the unit types supported by a plugin.

In other words, while worthwhile, I think it's a fair chunk of work.

On Thu, Nov 17, 2016 at 4:20 PM, Joe Adams <adams10...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Not sure if this is a very redhat way of doing things, but what about
> converting it over to a pip installation? That would allow it to be
> installed in a virtual environment and run on any version of the operating
> system so long as it can compile or install the required components. That
> would also break you from being so closely tied to packages in the epel /
> redhat / centos repos. We all love them for being stable and slow to
> change, but with projects like django that have a faster release cadence,
> it doesn't necessarily make sense to be tied to the distro's timelines. You
> could essentially keep support for EL6 and EL7 for the foreseeable future
> and maybe even enable people stuck on EL5 to run pulp (unsupported of
> course).
> It's been a breeze for us to set up any python project so long as I can
> install it in a virtual environment (even requiring python 3). Upgrades
> also seem to go fairly smoothly besides the occasional need to add a -devel
> package for dependencies.
> On Thu, Nov 17, 2016 at 9:20 AM, Michael Hrivnak <mhriv...@redhat.com>
> wrote:
>> We need your input on when to stop making builds of Pulp for el6.
>> Running Pulp on el6, which uses Python 2.6, has been getting more
>> difficult over time. Many libraries we depend on have dropped support for
>> Python 2.6, which exacerbates the usual challenge of making dependencies
>> available on an aging platform.
>> The latest news is that epel6 will remove their Django package, Django14.
>> It has multiple CVEs (none of which we think affect Pulp) and is
>> unsupported upstream. There is no supported version of Django that runs on
>> Python 2.6. Thus epel has decided to remove this package from epel6 some
>> time between Jan 31 and March 31 of 2017. Once that happens, Pulp will not
>> be installable on el6 unless you provide that package some other way.
>> As a workaround, el6 installation could theoretically continue after
>> Django14 is removed by manually installing the rpm, which is accessible
>> from the EPEL build system. But the dev team does not want to take
>> responsibility for supporting that package; thus we need to phase out
>> support for Pulp on el6.
>> We want to make the transition off of el6 as smooth as it reasonably can
>> be, so please give us some feedback. Here are two options to start the
>> conversation:
>> 1. Make 2.11 the last Pulp release to have el6 packages. All 2.11.z
>> releases would get el6 support. 2.12 would have el7 and Fedora packages
>> only.
>> 2. Make el6 builds available until the day Django14 gets removed from
>> epel6. On that day, Pulp on el6 would become unsupported and builds would
>> stop.
>> Have any other ideas, or feedback on those?
>> Thanks for your input,
>> Michael
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