On 03/29/2017 07:07 AM, Roth, Sandro wrote:
> Hi all
> Trying to install the pulp-agent on RHEL6 machines and there seem to be some 
> packages missing from the yum repository at
> https://repos.fedorapeople.org/repos/pulp/pulp/stable/2/6Server/x86_64/
> Specifically I'm missing the following
> pulp-rpm-yumplugins
> pulp-rpm-consumer-extensions
> pulp-rpm-handlers
> Which are to be installed according to the docs
> http://docs.pulpproject.org/user-guide/installation/f23-.html#consumer-client-and-agent

This is related to the dropping of support for el6 in 2.12.
It looks like the build system should be including these packages
but isn't; I'll take a look, see what's missing, and put together
a task to fix current and future releases.

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