Today we met to discuss some ideas for a technical design for how the CLI
would work. Here's a copy of our notes:

And there is a rough design in the document as well:

I have also entered the CLI user stories from our meeting last week into
redmine under the Pulp CLI project:

And I've filed a user story that we talked about today that would handle
sync, publish, and distribution of repos. Feedback welcome:

Matthias and I are planning to meet next week to look at creating a proof
of concept that would provide 2-3 commands. If anyone is interested in
joining us, please let me know and I can add you.


On Tue, Apr 28, 2020 at 8:06 AM David Davis <> wrote:

> I've also started working on some questions about how the CLI will work.
> Feel free to add some of your own:
> David
> On Tue, Apr 28, 2020 at 8:05 AM David Davis <> wrote:
>> I have set up a meeting to discuss the CLI technical design. Below are
>> the details. I think a video conference might be easier for technical
>> discussion but am open to consider meeting on #pulp-meeting again.
>> URL:
>> Date/time: April 30, 2020 at 9:00am ET (1pm UTC)
>> David
>> On Fri, Apr 24, 2020 at 10:29 AM David Davis <>
>> wrote:
>>> Today we met in #pulp-meeting on freenode to discuss the user stories
>>> for a Pulp 3 CLI MVP. The document with the user stories is available
>>> below. I'd like to ask for any feedback from users or plugin writers.
>>> The goal of the CLI MVP is to cover the pulp_file happy path (sync,
>>> publish, distribute) and make it possible for plugin writers to generate
>>> and write their own commands. I'm imagining that plugins will release their
>>> own sets of CLI commands after we complete the initial MVP.
>>> Feedback is welcome. I plan to enter these user stories into redmine
>>> next week.
>>> David
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