Thanks Dennis. I’ll get a feature request open.


From: Dennis Kliban <>
Date: Wednesday, October 28, 2020 at 9:21 AM
To: Chris Taylor <>
Cc: pulp-list <>
Subject: Re: [Pulp-list] Pulp3 published content change


This is currently not possible with Pulp 3. Please file a feature request at 


I believe such a feature is possible and not very difficult to implement. The 
hardest part would be deciding which date to show. 


Date when the Content was created in Pulp

Date when the Content was added to a Repository Version. 

Date when a Publication was created from the Repository Version. 

Date for when the Publication was associated with the Distribution. 


I believe the most appropriate date would be the creation date for the 


On Tue, Oct 27, 2020 at 3:21 PM Chris Taylor (chtaylo2) <> 

In Pulp2, yum_distributor created a directory tree structure under 
“/var/lib/pulp/published/yum/https/repos/”.   I exposed this to clients via 
Apache, using directory indexing and while this allowed for custom pages, more 
importantly, allowed easy page navigation and viewing file dates. 


In Pulp3, it appears manual https navigation of content is dynamically 
generated using gunicorn and only shows the file names.


Any recommendations to have a similar look/feel for clients manually navigating 
content in a browser?






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