
Never mind, found the culprit.

Kind regards,

*Eric Van Steenbergen*

*E-mail: vs.e...@gmail.com <vs.e...@gmail.com>*
*Skype: ericvs2014*
*LinkedIn: Eric Van Steenbergen

On Sun, Apr 4, 2021 at 11:44 PM Eric VS <vs.e...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I've set up Pulp and am using pulp-cli to manage it all. My idea was to
> have a 'principal' Pulp server to which all my 'management' servers point
> to for their updates. I have that part working.
> The second part of my idea was to have the 'local management server' work
> as a local sync of the principal Pulp server. I started on that
> installation by creating the first remote and repository.
> When I sync however it always throws an error:
> requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: ('Connection aborted.',
> RemoteDisconnected('Remote end closed connection without response',))
> I can update my management servers using the Pulp principal server, but
> can't sync the repos created there. Is there some special approach needed?
> Something I'm missing?
> Or can't I use the Pulp principal as a fully blown public yum repository?
> Is there another way to sync Pulp installations?
> Kind regards,
> *Eric Van Steenbergen*
> *E-mail: vs.e...@gmail.com <vs.e...@gmail.com>*
> *Skype: ericvs2014*
> *LinkedIn: Eric Van Steenbergen
> <http://es.linkedin.com/pub/eric-van-steenbergen/b/8a4/51b>*
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