Hi Brian,

Thanks for the response, let me apply the workaround and check.

From: Brian Bouterse <bmbou...@redhat.com>
Sent: Thursday, May 6, 2021 4:23 PM
To: Sathasivam, Pradeep <pradeep.sathasi...@hpe.com>
Cc: pulp-list@redhat.com; Patel, Akash <akash.pat...@hpe.com>
Subject: Re: [Pulp-list] Django v2.2.21 breaking changes

tl;dr You should temporarily downgrade Django for now back to 2.2.20. See 
#workaround below.

# The issue

It's unfortunate but Django's 2.2.21 breaks Pulp which given that Django 2.2.z 
is the Django LTS is extremely surprising to us. It actually broke a lot of 
projects. I've been investigating this https://pulp.plan.io/issues/8691. The 
2.2.21 Django release has a bug in it ( 
https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/32718 ) which is also actively being 
investigated.  Based on testing I completed yesterday, even if Django resolves 
their bug, Pulp will still need a compatibility release.

Overall I expect all of this to be worked out with the upcoming pulpcore 
3.13.0, so my advice is to use the workaround below and then upgrade to 3.13.0 
when it's released.

# The temporary workaround

Downgrade Django back to 2.2.20. You can do this manually by:

1. Activating the virtualenv of Pulp `source /usr/local/lib/pulp/bin/activate`
2. Uninstalling your Django, `pip uninstall django`
3. pip install django==2.2.20

Feedback, questions, and suggestions are welcome.


On Thu, May 6, 2021 at 1:50 AM Sathasivam, Pradeep 
<pradeep.sathasi...@hpe.com<mailto:pradeep.sathasi...@hpe.com>> wrote:
Hi All,

We are using pulp project with below specified plug-in versions:

      "component": "pulpcore",
      "version": "3.9.0"
      "component": "pulp_rpm",
      "version": "3.8.0"
      "component": "pulp_file",
      "version": "1.5.0"
      "component": "pulp_container",
      "version": "2.2.0"

Pulpcore-3.9.0 has dependency on Django with version ‘2.2.17’.

Looks like Django-admin version ‘2.2.21’ has breaking changes with respect to 
‘Remote to local’ repo sync call.

There is no issue with till version ‘2.2.20’, but with ‘2.2.21’, sync call is 
failing with below error;

"traceback": " File 
\"/usr/local/lib/pulp/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/rq/worker.py\", line 1008, 
in perform_job\n rv = job.perform()\n File 
\"/usr/local/lib/pulp/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/rq/job.py\", line 706, in 
perform\n self._result = self._execute()\n File 
\"/usr/local/lib/pulp/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/rq/job.py\", line 729, in 
_execute\n result = self.func(*self.args, **self.kwargs)\n File 
 line 274, in synchronize\n dv.create()\n File 
 line 148, in create\n loop.run_until_complete(pipeline)\n File 
\"/usr/lib64/python3.6/asyncio/base_events.py\", line 484, in 
run_until_complete\n return future.result()\n File 
 line 225, in create_pipeline\n await asyncio.gather(*futures)\n File 
 line 43, in __call__\n await self.run()\n File 
 line 219, in run\n d_artifact.artifact for d_artifact in da_to_save\n File 
 line 82, in bulk_get_or_create\n return super().bulk_create(objs, 
batch_size=batch_size)\n File 
 line 82, in manager_method\n return getattr(self.get_queryset(), name)(*args, 
**kwargs)\n File 
 line 468, in bulk_create\n self._batched_insert(objs_with_pk, fields, 
batch_size, ignore_conflicts=ignore_conflicts)\n File 
 line 1204, in _batched_insert\n ignore_conflicts=ignore_conflicts,\n File 
 line 1186, in _insert\n return 
query.get_compiler(using=using).execute_sql(return_id)\n File 
 line 1376, in execute_sql\n for sql, params in self.as_sql():\n File 
 line 31, in as_sql\n return super(ReadonlySQLCompilerMixin, self).as_sql()\n 
 line 1320, in as_sql\n for obj in self.query.objs\n File 
 line 1320, in <listcomp>\n for obj in self.query.objs\n File 
 line 1319, in <listcomp>\n [self.prepare_value(field, self.pre_save_val(field, 
obj)) for field in fields]\n File 
 line 1270, in pre_save_val\n return field.pre_save(obj, add=True)\n File 
 line 68, in pre_save\n return super().pre_save(model_instance, add)\n File 
 line 289, in pre_save\n file.save(file.name<http://file.name>, file.file, 
save=False)\n File 
 line 87, in save\n name = self.field.generate_filename(self.instance, name)\n 
 line 303, in generate_filename\n filename = validate_file_name(filename)\n 
 line 8, in validate_file_name\n raise SuspiciousFileOperation(\"File name '%s' 
includes path elements\" % name)\n",
"description": "File name 
 includes path elements"

Can you help here to narrow down this issue ?

Pradeep. S

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