
Thank you for this information. The output from those commands allowed me to identify where the file repositories are published. https://honeybee/pulp/content/file-repository-name/

Using that information, I was able to load the repository page and see the contents in my web browser (provided I knew the repository name from the pulp file distribution list command).

However, pulp2 allowed me to browse the list of published repositories directly. Can I do that with pulp3?

Should I be using Katello as a front end to provide some kind of user interface for pulp3? This seems very hard, even by pulp2 standards.


On 12/5/21 6:36 pm, Matthias Dellweg wrote:
Can you try to see, whether any of the following commands show the expected entities?
pulp file remote list
pulp file repository list
pulp file publication list
pulp file distribution list
pulp migration pulp2 repository list

On Wed, May 12, 2021 at 9:43 AM Ben Stanley < <>> wrote:

    Please see responses inline.

    On 6/5/21 8:15 pm, Matthias Dellweg wrote:

    On Thu, May 6, 2021 at 2:32 AM Ben Stanley <
    <>> wrote:

        I have changed my ~/.config/pulp/settings.toml file as follows:

        Old: base_url = "http://honeybee"; <http://honeybee>
        New: base_url = "https://honeybee"; <https://honeybee>

        The old setting was created in accordance with instructions
        . The instructions need to be updated.

        With the settings file updated, I have managed to create a
        migration plan:

        [root@honeybee plans]# pulp -vvv --no-verify-ssl --username
        USERNAME --password PASSWORD migration plan create
        --plan='{"plugins": [{"type": "iso"}]}'
        post https://honeybee/pulp/api/v3/migration-plans/
          Content-Type: application/json
          Content-Length: 48
        b'{"plan": "{\\"plugins\\": [{\\"type\\": \\"iso\\"}]}"}'
        Response: 201
          "pulp_href": "/pulp/api/v3/migration-plans/UUID/",
          "pulp_created": "2021-05-05T23:54:28.456994Z",
          "plan": {
            "plugins": [
                "type": "iso"

        [root@honeybee plans]#

        After that I was able to reset the v3 repositories and run a

    That sounds great!

        Now, is there any way that I can simplify these commands? Can
        I run pulp commands without having to specify the username
        and password and --no-verify-ssl on every command line?

    Yes there is. You can add these parameters to the config file.
    You should be able to perform a "pulp status" command without errors.
    Thank you for this I can indeed to a "pulp status" and obtain
    sensible output now, without needing all the extra flags.

        Also, I tried to load the URL https://honeybee/pulp/isos/
        <https://honeybee/pulp/isos/> but the page timed out. Am I
        trying to load the correct URL for pulp3? I did not even get
        a https certificate error problem (I am using a self-signed

    That looks to me like a Pulp2 address. I think, all Pulp3 content
    will be served at https://honeybee/pulp/content/
    <https://honeybee/pulp/content/> . Also note, that "iso" content
    will be migrated into the pulp_file plugin.
    I have migrated the iso content using the 3 steps outlined at
    . However, https://honeybee/pulp/content/
    <https://honeybee/pulp/content/> loads an empty page. Is there
    some secret path from that point, or do I have to publish all of
    the migrated repositories?

        Thanks for the help!


        On 5/5/21 6:33 pm, Matthias Dellweg wrote:
        I think, you are hitting this error:

        The problem is that Pulp adds a redirect from http to https,
        but requests turns all POST requests into GET requests upon
        redirect. So the server answers like you wanted to list the
        migration plans (http 200) instead of creating a new one
        (http 202).
        To fix your specific problem, please point the base-address
        to "https://"; instead of "http://"; in your CLI config file.
        We captured the problem earlier here:

        And we will try to capture that case in the abovementioned
        issue and create a better error message.

        Thank you so much for not giving up. Your feedback is really
        helpful to us.

          Matthias Dellweg

        On Wed, May 5, 2021 at 8:20 AM Ben Stanley
        < <>> wrote:

            Hello Matthias,

            Regarding the software versions:

            [root@honeybee plans]# /usr/local/lib/pulp/bin/pip list
            Package Version
            pulp-2to3-migration       0.11.0
            pulpcore 3.12.0
            pulp-cli 0.7.0

            Looks like I could do some upgrading. I tried to upgrade
            the pulp.pulp_installer, but that bombed (see separate

            Regarding the cached api-spec, I ran pulp status. There
            is no mention of any api being outdated or refreshing
            (see attached output 20210505_pulp_status.txt

            I have also re-run the migration plan create with -vvv .
            The output is attached as
            20210505_pulp_migration_create_vvv.txt . I hope it means
            more to you than it does to me.

            Ben Stanley.

            On 4/5/21 6:58 pm, Matthias Dellweg wrote:
            Hello again.
            The pulp cli is using requests to talk to your server.
            I seems like pointing the environment variable
            |REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE| to the full path of a copy of the
            file you may find as '/etc/pulp/certs/root.crt' or
            '/etc/pulp/certs/ca.crt' tells requests to use the
            provided root certificate.

            On Tue, May 4, 2021 at 10:28 AM Matthias Dellweg
            < <>> wrote:

                Hello Stan,
                thank you for reporting this. First of all, you are
                right about the `--plan`. Are you willing to send a
                PR for that mistake?
                Let me first ask you the typical support questions:
                Which version of the migration plugin and the CLI
                is this?
                The error looks to me like the CLI get's an
                unexpected answer from the server, and that can
                have multiple reasons.
                1. the cached api-spec of the CLI is outdated.
                Please run `pulp <...> status` and look for
                "Notice: Cached api is outdated. Refreshing...".
                After that, try again.
                2. the server does not reply in the way, it's
                api-spec promises
                3. something in the reverse proxy garbles the result
                Can you please try to rerun your command with `pulp
                -vvv --no-verify-ssl --username USERNAME ...` to
                add some debugging output. It will show you the
                requests sent to the server as well as the
                responses. I hope this can give some insight.

                On Tue, May 4, 2021 at 2:18 AM Ben Stanley
                <>> wrote:

                    Hello pulp-list,

                    I am attempting to migrate my pulp2 to pulp3.

                    I seem to be facing difficulties at every step.

                    After overcoming the initial difficulties of
                    installation, I am now up to trying to migrate
                    the data. Looking at the migration documentation:


                    I note that the command in the documentation is

                    [root@honeybee plans]# *pulp --no-verify-ssl
                    --username */*USERNAME*/*--password
                    */*PASSWORD*/*migration plan create
                    plan='{"plugins": [{"type": "iso"}]}'*

                    Usage: pulp migration plan create [OPTIONS]

                    Try 'pulp migration plan create --help' for help.

                    Error: Missing option '--plan'.

                    [root@honeybee plans]#

                    The documentation should be corrected to use
                    --plan=<stuff> instead of plan=<stuff> .

                    Even after I corrected the command to use
                    --plan=<stuff>, I got a huge error message.

                    root@honeybee plans]# *pulp --no-verify-ssl
                    --username */*USERNAME*/*--password
                    */*PASSWORD*/*migration plan create
                    --plan='{"plugins": [{"type": "iso"}]}'*

                    Traceback (most recent call last):

                    line 219, in parse_response

                    response_spec =

                    KeyError: '200'

                    During handling of the above exception, another
                    exception occurred:

                    Traceback (most recent call last):

                    File "/usr/local/bin/pulp", line 8, in <module>


                    line 829, in __call__

                    return self.main(*args, **kwargs)

                    line 782, in main

                    rv = self.invoke(ctx)

                    line 1259, in invoke


                    line 1259, in invoke


                    line 1259, in invoke


                    line 1066, in invoke

                    return ctx.invoke(self.callback, **ctx.params)

                    line 610, in invoke

                    return callback(*args, **kwargs)

                    line 73, in new_func

                    return ctx.invoke(f, obj, *args, **kwargs)

                    line 610, in invoke

                    return callback(*args, **kwargs)

                    line 73, in new_func

                    return ctx.invoke(f, obj, *args, **kwargs)

                    line 610, in invoke

                    return callback(*args, **kwargs)

                    line 287, in callback

                    result = entity_ctx.create(body=body)

                    line 364, in create

                    self.CREATE_ID, parameters=_parameters,
                    body=body, non_blocking=non_blocking

                    line 129, in call

                    result =, *args,

                    line 284, in call

                    return self.parse_response(method_spec, response)

                    line 222, in parse_response

                    response_spec =
                    method_spec["responses"][str(100 *
                    int(response.status_code / 100))]

                    KeyError: '200'

                    [root@honeybee plans]#

                    What do I need to fix to proceed with my migration?

                    And I'd also like to know how I can get it to
                    work without having to specify --no-verify-ssl
                    . Note that I have a self-signed certificate. I
                    don't mind pointing the pulp command to the
                    self-signed certificate file so that it will
                    accept it, but I don't know how to do that.

                    Ben Stanley.

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