I have now solved this problem.

The answer is that the pulp-2to3-migration process was trying to contact mongod at This is the wrong address. The following information was found in /var/log/messages:

May 13 13:04:23 honeybee gunicorn: pulp [f3e566cf4f3a4007bcd171939c14d88b]: pulp_2to3_migration.pulp2.connection:INFO: Attempting to connect to

The documentation [1] says that by default its configured to connect to localhost:27017.

localhost is not

localhost should be

Perhaps the default IP address is coded incorrectly?

I have changed the configuration in /etc/pulp/settings.py and added te PULP2_MONGODB section as described in the documentation [1], and restarted the pulpcore-api process

systemctl restart pulpcore-api

I am now able to create the plan sucessfully:

[root@honeybee plans]# pulp migration plan create --plan='{"plugins": [{"type": "rpm"}]}'
  "pulp_href": "/pulp/api/v3/migration-plans/<UUID>/",
  "pulp_created": "2021-05-17T06:34:34.750318Z",
  "plan": {
    "plugins": [
        "type": "rpm"
[root@honeybee plans]#

Finally it worked!


[1] https://pulp-2to3-migration.readthedocs.io/en/latest/configuration.html

On 14/5/21 4:34 pm, Matthias Dellweg wrote:
It seems to be the mongodb pulp is unable to connect to.
Can you check with systemctl it is up and running after the upgrade?

On Fri, May 14, 2021 at 4:32 AM Ben Stanley <ben.stan...@gmail.com <mailto:ben.stan...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    This problem is preventing me from making further progress
    migrating my
    server now.

    Could I please get some help to diagnose the problem and get the
    going again?

    Ben Stanley

    On 13/5/21 1:20 pm, Ben Stanley wrote:
    > Hello pulp-list,
    > I was able to migrate my pulp2 iso repos using pulp-2to3-migration,
    > but now that I try to do the same with my rpm repos, I get the
    > [root@honeybee ~]# pulp migration plan create --plan='{"plugins":
    > [{"type": "rpm"}]}'
    > Error: <h1>Server Error (500)</h1>
    > [root@honeybee ~]#
    > In between the successful and the failed migration, I have upgraded
    > pulp to 3.12.2.
    > [root@honeybee ~]# pulp status
    > {
    >   "versions": [
    >     {
    >       "component": "core",
    >       "version": "3.12.2"
    >     },
    >     {
    >       "component": "pulp_2to3_migration",
    >       "version": "0.11.0"
    >     },
    >     {
    >       "component": "rpm",
    >       "version": "3.10.0"
    >     },
    >     {
    >       "component": "python",
    >       "version": "3.2.0"
    >     },
    >     {
    >       "component": "file",
    >       "version": "1.7.0"
    >     },
    >     {
    >       "component": "deb",
    >       "version": "2.11.1"
    >     },
    >     {
    >       "component": "container",
    >       "version": "2.5.1"
    >     },
    >     {
    >       "component": "ansible",
    >       "version": "0.7.2"
    >     }
    >   ],
    > I looked at the system log (attached) and I found that it failed to
    > initialise the database connection. How can I diagnose/repair this
    > problem?
    > Thanks,
    > Ben Stanley.

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