Hi team,
We are using pulp-server-2.21.5-1.el7 with mongodb-server-2.6.12-6.el7.x86_64 , this version of mongodb 2.6.12-16 got installed from our config manage server puppet .
Time and again pulp-admin commands run, throwing below errors , I think it is due to old version of mongodb. After running /var/lib/mongodb --repair able to access pulp-admin commands for some time/few days as shown here below.
Some one kindly help us on how to upgrade mongodb-server-2.6.12-6 to higher mongodb version that is compatible with pulp-server-2.21.5-1 ? This specific pulp-server we are using instead of higher versions due to some internal dependencies. Thanks a lot in advance.
[root@drtp1opsndbx04 ~]# pulp-admin tasks list
There was an internal server error while trying to access the Pulp application.
One possible cause is that the database needs to be migrated to the latest
version. If this is the case, run pulp-manage-db and restart the services. More
information may be found in Apache's log.
root@drtp1opsndbx04 ~]# pulp-admin repo list
There was an internal server error while trying to access the Pulp application.
One possible cause is that the database needs to be migrated to the latest
version. If this is the case, run pulp-manage-db and restart the services. More
information may be found in Apache's log.
After running /var/lib/mongodb --repair working a little while:
[root@drtp1opsndbx04 ~]# pulp-admin tasks list
No tasks found

[root@drtp1opsndbx04 ~]# pulp-admin repo list
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Venkataramana Bora
IBM - TMS cloud operations
Plot #1, Hill # 3, Apiic & Ites Sez, Rishikonda, Madhuravada
Visakhapatnam, AP  530045, India.

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