--- Comment #28 from Tanu Kaskinen <> ---
Is that message from an "extra" pulseaudio instance? When you sent the package
with 8 logs, every other of them were from those extra pulseaudio instances
that shut down immediately after starting up.

The rest of this comment was written before your last comment:

It looks like the preferred_output_port is saved in the database, but then it
magically is unset again when the database is later loaded.

I suspect that the "extra" pulseaudio instance overwrites the database. Things
might happen like this:

Instance 1 (the "real" instance) starts.

You change the output to HDMI 3, and preferred_output_port is written to the
database, but the database is not written on disk yet (there's a 10 second

You initiate logout.

Instance 2 (the "extra" instance) starts (you mentioned that it seems to start
around the time you log out). The database file that instance 2 reads doesn't
yet contain the update.

Instance 1 exits and writes the database on disk. The update is now on the

Instance 2 exits and writes the database on disk. The update is now lost,
because instance 2 was not aware of the update.

If instance 2 always starts when you log out, you could try waiting for at
least 10 seconds before logging out after changing the output to HDMI 3. The
theory is that the extra instance will then read the up-to-date database, and
not overwrite it with old data.

Also, you mentioned that you saw this in the journal:

ICE default IO error handler doing an exit(), pid = 31127, errno = 32

According to the internet[1], you can get rid of that error by deleting
~/.ICEauthority. Perhaps that will stop the extra pulseaudio instance from
starting? (I find that unlikely, though.)


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