These two are the result of helping someone on IRC this weekend getting pulse 
to run on an OpenWRT device.
If compiled without iconv support, pacat gives an unclear "invalid argument" 

The first patch addresses the local<->utf8 conversion when iconv is not 
available. The pa_locale_to_utf8
change is good, becaus if it happens to be utf8 already, we should just pass it 
on instead of always
returning an error (NULL).
The other way around, pa_utf8_to_locale I'm not so sure about. Do most locales 
handle pure ascii sensibly?
I know the european ones do.

The second patch is just an expression of the fail early principle. Makes 
debugging a bit easier.

Both patches should also go in stable, IMO.

Perhaps there are some other patches coming as well, because it appeared that 
when playing a s16le wav file
on a bigendian device to a LE USB card, something got mangled along the way.
May be just a libsndfile issue, we'll see.

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