On Tue, 2014-02-18 at 04:51 +0100, Malte Gell wrote:
> Am 16.02.2014 12:24, schrieb Tanu Kaskinen:
> > On the topic of audio/video sync, synchronization requires accurate
> > latency information. PulseAudio doesn't have that information. If the
> > audio lags by a constant amount all the time, then you can work around
> > the problem by configuring the latency offset with e.g. pavucontrol.
> Thanks for the explanation.
> The audio lags do not occur all the time, they occur after some time,
> often audio totally quits, when waiting a while audio comes back again.
> /var/log/messages gets flooded with these errors:
> [bluetooth] module-bluetooth-device.c: Skipping 412706 us (= 72800
> bytes) in audio stream
> [bluetooth] module-bluetooth-device.c: Skipping 465700 us (= 82148
> bytes) in audio stream
> [bluetooth] module-bluetooth-device.c: Skipping 154683 us (= 27284
> bytes) in audio stream
> [bluetooth] module-bluetooth-device.c: Skipping 126688 us (= 22344
> bytes) in audio stream
> [bluetooth] module-bluetooth-device.c: Skipping 70714 us (= 12472 bytes)
> in audio stream
> Do these message give a hint where the problems come from?

The messages indicate that the kernel is accepting audio from PulseAudio
slower than what is required for smooth playback. I would guess that the
problem is interference in the radio signal that prevents reliable


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