04.08.2014 19:29, I wrote:
Anyway, I think that the task of objectively testing the resampler speed and quality also needs to be done, in order to provide such justifications. Please see http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/pulseaudio-discuss/2014-February/019968.html for the formulation.

Now I have the tools for the basic form of quality evaluation (using a linear sine sweep). The tools can compare quality of various resamplers, including those found in proprietary operating systems. However, the end result is still not good enough to answer the question "is this resampler good enough". The (useless) answer is almost always the same: "no, here is a sine wave frequency that it either attenuates audibly or distorts audibly", even though nobody listens to e.g 18 kHz sine waves.

I will test the two new resamplers among the others today.

Alexander E. Patrakov
pulseaudio-discuss mailing list

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