
I have cloned the raop2-v2 branch from https://github.com/colinleroy/pulseaudio

The following test was applied.

I have installed the "Android HiFi" application (also known as "HiFi Speaker"), version 1.7 Beta, on my Android phone, and started it.

Link: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=29986442

Version is important: this one is possibly-buggy in an interesting way. Also, newer versions require a license for more than 30 minutes of playback. Note: for some reason, Google Play has removed this app, so you can only get it from various shady sources such as above.

Then, I ran the following command:

pacmd load-module module-raop-discover

Result: it found the speaker!

Then I started mpv on a music file, and redirected its output to the HiFi Speaker using pavucontrol. Result: it worked.

Then I pressed the back arrow to seek back. Result: it froze.

Then I killed the HiFi Speaker application on Android. Result: PulseAudio unfroze mpv's stream and moved it back to analog headphones.

Then I started Airfoil Speakers on Android. Result: PulseAudio does not see it, even if module-raop-discover is reloaded.

I suspected that I could load module-raop-sink manually:

pacmd load-module module-raop-sink server= protocol=UDP

Result: freeze. So it looks like Airfoil Speakers are just incompatible.

Started HiFi Speaker again, now it got autodetected.

So the module should have some more graceful detection of dead or buggy receivers.

Alexander E. Patrakov
pulseaudio-discuss mailing list

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