On 09.04.2016 03:29, Raymond Yau wrote:

2016-4-9 上午2:23於 "Georg Chini" <ge...@chini.tk <mailto:ge...@chini.tk>>寫道:
> On 08.04.2016 18:01, Tanu Kaskinen wrote:
>>>>>> I can't follow that line of reasoning. In the beginning the ring buffer
>>>>>> is filled to max, and once you call snd_pcm_start(), data starts to
>>>>>> move from the ring buffer to other buffers (I'll call the other buffers
>>>>>> the "not-ring-buffer"). Apparently the driver "sees" the not-ring-
>>>>>> buffer only partially, since it reports a larger latency than just the >>>>>> ring buffer fill level, but it still doesn't report the full latency. >>>>>> The time between snd_pcm_start() and the point where the reported delay
>>>>>> does not any more equal the written amount tells the size of the
>>>>>> visible part of the not-ring-buffer - it's the time it took for the
>>>>>> first sample to travel from the ring buffer to the invisible part of >>>>>> the not-ring-buffer. I don't understand how the time could say anything >>>>>> about the size of the invisible part of the not-ring-buffer. Your logic
>>>>>> "works" only if the visible and invisible parts happen to be of the
>>>>>> same size.
>>>>>> You should get the same results by calculating
>>>>>> adjusted delay = ring buffer fill level + 2 * (reported delay - ring buffer fill level)
>>>>>> That formula doesn't make sense, but that's how I understand your logic >>>>>> works, with the difference that your fix is based on one measurement
>>>>>> only, so it's constant over time, while my formula recalculates the
>>>>>> adjustment every time the delay is queried, so the adjustment size
>>>>>> varies somewhat depending on the granularity at which audio moves to
>>>>>> and from the visible part of the not-ring-buffer.
>>>>>> In any case, even if your logic actually makes sense and I'm just
>>>>>> misunderstanding something, I don't see why the correction should be
>>>>>> done in pulseaudio instead of the alsa driver.
>>>>> Well, now I don't understand what you mean. The logic is very simple:
>>>>> If there is a not reported delay between the time snd_pcm_start() is
>>>>> called and the time when the first sample is delivered to the DAC, then
>>>>> this delay will persist and become part of the continuous latency.
>>>>> That's all, what causes the delay is completely irrelevant.
>>>>   The code can't know when the first sample hits the DAC. The delay
>>>> reported by alsa is supposed to tell that, but if the reported delay is
>>>> wrong, I don't think you have any way to know the real delay.
>>> Yes, the code can know when the first sample hits the DAC. I explained it >>> already. Before the first sample hits the DAC, the delay is growing and
>>> larger or equal than the number of samples you have written to the
>>> buffer.
>>> At the moment the delay is smaller than the write count, you can be
>>> sure that at least some audio has been delivered. Since the delay is
>>> decreased by the amount of audio that has been delivered to the DAC,
>>> you can work back in time to the moment when the first sample has been
>>> played.
>> Yes, you explained that already, but you didn't give a convincing
>> explanation of why the point in time when the delay stops growing would
>> indicate the point when the first sample hit the DAC.
> See below. The precondition for my thoughts naturally is that no
> samples vanish from the latency reports, maybe that is where
> we are thinking differently.
>>>>> Maybe what I said above was not complete. At the point in time when
>>>>> the first audio is played, there are two delays: First the one that is
>>>>> reported
>>>>> by alsa and the other is the difference between the time stamps minus
>>>>> the played audio. If these two delays don't match, then there is an
>>>>> "extra delay" that has to be taken into account.
>>>> The difference between the time stamps is not related to how big the
>>>> invisible part of the buffer is. I'll try to illustrate:
>>>> In the beginning, pulseaudio has written 10 ms of audio to the ring
>>>> buffer, and snd_pcm_start() hasn't been called:
>>>> DAC <- ssssssssss|sss|dddddddddd <- pulseaudio
>>>> Here "ssssssssss|sss|ddddddddd" is the whole buffer between the DAC and >>>> pulseaudio. It's divided into three parts; the pipe characters separate
>>>> the different parts. Each letter represents 1 ms of data. "s" stands
>>>> for silence and "d" stands for data. The first part of the buffer is
>>>> the invisible part that is not included in the delay reports. I've put
>>>> 10 ms of data there, but it's unknown to the driver how big the
>>>> invisible part is. The middle part of the buffer is the "send buffer"
>>>> that the driver maintains, its size is 3 ms in this example. It's
>>>> filled with silence in the beginning. The third part is the ring
>>>> buffer, containing 10 ms of data from pulseaudio.
>>>> At this point the driver reports 10 ms latency. It knows it has 3 ms of
>>>> silence buffered too, which it should include in its latency report,
>>>> but it's stupid, so it only reports the data in the ring buffer. The
>>>> driver has no idea how big the invisible part is, so it doesn't include
>>>> it in the report.
>>>> Now pulseaudio calls snd_pcm_start(), which causes data to start moving >>>> from the ring buffer to the send buffer. After 1 ms the situation looks
>>>> like this:
>>>> DAC <- ssssssssss|ssd|ddddddddd  <- pulseaudio
>>>> There's 2 ms of silence in the send buffer and 1 ms of data. The driver
>>>> again ignores the silence in the send buffer, and reports that the
>>>> delay is 10 ms, which consists of 1 ms of data in the send buffer and 9
>>>> ms of data in the ring buffer.
>>>> After 2 ms:
>>>> DAC <- ssssssssss|sdd|dddddddd   <- pulseaudio
>>>> Reported delay: 10 ms
>>>> After 3 ms:
>>>> DAC <- ssssssssss|ddd|ddddddd    <- pulseaudio
>>>> Reported delay: 10 ms
>>>> Let's say pulseaudio refills the ring buffer now.
>>>> DAC <- ssssssssss|ddd|dddddddddd <- pulseaudio
>>>> Reported delay: 13 ms
>>>> After 4 ms:
>>>> DAC <- sssssssssd|ddd|ddddddddd  <- pulseaudio
>>>> The first data chunk has now entered the invisible part of the buffer,
>>>> but it will still take 9 ms before it hits the DAC. At this point
>>>> pulseaudio has written 13 ms of audio, and the reported delay is 12 ms.
>>>> According to your logic, the adjusted delay is 12 + (4 - 1) = 15 ms,
>>>> while in reality the latency is 22 ms.
>>> At this point, no audio has been played yet. You still have silence in the
>>> buffer, so alsa would not report back, that samples have been played.
>> But the reported delay stopped growing! That's the point where you
>> claim the first sample hits the DAC, but as my example illustrates,
>> that doesn't seem to be true.
> In your example it is not true, that's right. But for the USB devices it is.
> They only start decreasing the delay when real audio has been played,
> and they would increase the delay when you write to the buffer,
> I have checked that in the code.
> And I think any driver that makes samples vanish is so severely screwed,
> that we can't do anything about it. If the driver reports complete moonshine
> numbers, you can't fix it, I agree with you in that respect.
> But that is not the case with USB. There is only some missing latency
> that is not reported - call it transport delay or whatever and I suspect a > similar delay can be found in other alsa drivers. There is no need to figure
> out the reason for it, it just takes some time after snd_pcm_start() was
> called until the first sample is played - without making samples vanish.
> And in that case the delay can be detected and used by the code.
>>> I choose the point where the first d hits the DAC and that is reported
>>> back by alsa. (see above) I've tried put it all together in a document.
>>> I hope I can finish the part that deals with the smoother code today.
>>> If so, I will send it to you privately because the part about
>>> module-loopback
>>> is still missing.
>>> Anyway, even if you think it is wrong I am still measuring the correct
>>> end-to-end latency with my code, so something I am doing must be
>>> right ...
>> >From what I can tell, that's a coincidence.
> No, it definitely isn't. If you accept the precondition, that samples
> not simply vanish from the latency reports, it's physics.
> I would tend to agree that I have overlooked something, if the "extra
> delay" would be the same every time and if I could not write down
> the math for it.
> But it isn't completely constant (just in the same range) and I can
> write down the math and it matches my measurements. So I am
> fairly sure that I am right. Did you have a look at my document?
>>>> I don't know how well this model reflects the reality of how the usb
>>>> audio driver works, but this model seems like a plausible explanation
>>>> for why the driver reports delays equalling the amount of written data >>>> in the beginning, and why the real latency is higher than the reported
>>>> latency at later times.
>>>> I hope this also clarifies why I don't buy your argument that the time
>>>> stamp difference is somehow related to the unreported latency.
>>>   No, in fact it doesn't.
>>>>> Trying to fix up that delay on every iteration does not make any sense
>>>>> at all, it is there from the start and it is constant.
>>>> Commenting on "it is constant": The playback latency is the sum of data >>>> in various buffers. The DAC consumes one sample at a time from the very
>>>> last buffer, but I presume that all other places move data in bigger
>>>> chunks than one sample. The unreported delay can only be constant if
>>>> data moves to the invisible part of the buffering in one sample chunks. >>>> Otherwise the latency goes down every time the DAC reads a sample, and >>>> then when the buffer is refilled at the other end, the latency jumps up
>>>> by the refill amount.
>>> I only said the "extra latency" is constant, not the latency as such.
>>> See your own example above that your argument is wrong. Even
>>> if the audio is moved in chunks through your invisible buffer part,
>>> that part still has the same length all the time. When one "d" is
>>> moved forward another one will replace it.
>> No, the invisible part is not constant, even though my presentation
>> didn't show the variance. The DAC consumes data from the invisible
>> buffer one sample at a time, and each time it does that, the extra
>> latency decreases by one sample. Data moves from the visible part of
>> the buffer to the invisible part in bigger chunks. I didn't specify the
>> chunk size, but if we assume 1 ms chunks, the extra latency grows by 1
>> ms every time a chunk is transferred from the visible part to the
>> invisible part.
> Then take any part of the buffer but the last or the first bit. All the
> chunks are always full, so it's constant. The moving bit is dealt with
> elsewhere, (in the smoother) but there is a lot of buffer that is always
> full.
> And when you take USB, the driver sees only chunks. The sample
> by sample consuming of the DAC is never seen by the driver, it gets
> the notification from USB that a chunk has been played.
> I'm not sure how it is with HDA, but probably similar.
>>>>> This is not a negative delay reported by alsa, but my "extra latency"
>>>>> is getting negative, which means playback must have started
>>>>> before snd_pcm_start().
>>>>> According to Raymond Yau playback seems in fact to be started
>>>>> before snd_pcm_start() for HDA devices, at least if I read his last
>>>>> mail on that topic right. Then the negative delays would even make
>>>>> sense, since data is written to the buffer before snd_pcm_start().
>>>> I had a look at the code to verify the claim that we configure alsa to >>>> start playback already before we call snd_pcm_start(). If we really do >>>> that intentionally, then it doesn't make sense to call snd_pcm_start()
>>>> explicitly.
>>>> This is what we do:
>>>> snd_pcm_sw_params_set_start_threshold(pcm, swparams, (snd_pcm_uframes_t) -1)
>>>> Note the casting of -1 to an unsigned integer. It seems that the
>>>> intention is to set as high threshold as possible to avoid automatic
>>>> starting. However, alsa-lib casts the threshold back to a signed value
>>>> when it's used, and I believe the end result is indeed that playback
>>>> starts immediately after the first write. I don't know if that matters, >>>> since we do the manual snd_pcm_start() call immediately after the first
>>>> write anyway, but it seems like a bug in any case.
>> Not very important, but I'll clarify one thing: I had another look, and
>> I'm not any more sure that the code where I saw the casting back to a
>> signed integer is actually used by pulseaudio. The function
>> is snd_pcm_write_areas(), but pulseaudio doesn't call that at least
>> directly, and I did some searching in alsa-lib too, and I didn't find a
>> call path that would cause snd_pcm_write_areas() to be used by
>> pulseaudio. Even if snd_pcm_write_areas() isn't used, though, it's
>> entirely possible that there's some other code that does a similar
>> cast. I don't know the code is that triggers the snd_pcm_start() call
>> when the ring buffer fill level exceeds the configured threshold. It
>> might be in the kernel.
>>> OK, this it why I measure an "extra latency" of -60 to -20 usec.
>>> So again, if I can measure it and even detect a bug that way,
>>> don't you think there must be some truth in what I'm saying?
>> Do I understand correctly that your "extra latency" is affected by
>> whether snd_pcm_start() is called implicitly in mmap_write() or
>> explicitly after mmap_write()? The time when mmap_write() is called
>> doesn't affect the latency in the long term.
> It does. It isn't much, but if playback starts earlier, the delay
> will be exactly that amount less even after 10 hours of playback.
> Let's assume you have 10ms of audio to write to the buffer.
> During the time, when you write, samples are coming in.
> Let's say it takes 100 usec to write the buffer. If you start
> playback after the write, this will be 100 usec additional delay.
> 5 samples have accumulated.
> If you start playback immediately after the first bit of data is
> written this might take much less time, say 20 usec.
> So your delay is four samples less and it will remain that way
> until the sink is stopped. There is nothing that would take away
> the delay.
>> The smoother will produce
>> wrong values if it's not started at the same time as snd_pcm_start() is
>> called, but I presume the smoother is able to fix such inaccuracies
>> over time, so it doesn't matter that much when the snd_pcm_start() is
>> called. So isn't it a bad thing if your "extra latency" permanently
>> includes something that doesn't have any real effect after some time?
> Yes, it is affected by it and it should be, because the "extra delay"
> is the time between snd_pcm_start() and the first sample being
> played. So if the first samples are played before snd_pcm_start()
> the "extra latency" will become negative. And as explained above,
> it has permanent effect. Somehow you seem to be of the opinion
> that all delays that are not controlled by the pulseaudio code
> vanish magically, but they don't.
> For the reported latency, it just means, that it will become slightly
> smaller. As I said, the smoother does not use the "extra delay"
> for anything, it is only calculated once when the origin for the
> smoother is set and added later as an offset, when get_latency()
> is called.

as your log had two "Starting Playback" message, can you call snd_pcm_dump after snd_pcm_start to find value of appl_ptr,

I will, but there is a suspend message between the two "Starting Playback" messages:

sink.c: Suspending sink alsa_output.usb-0d8c_C-Media_USB_Headphone_Set-00.analog-stereo due to changing the sample rate. sink.c: Suspend cause of sink alsa_output.usb-0d8c_C-Media_USB_Headphone_Set-00.analog-stereo is 0x0020, suspending

So I don't think there is a problem, but I will do your test and let you know the results.

  do pulseaudio prebuf mean minimum first write ?

Don't know, according to Tanu, the first write will fill the buffer to the
configured latency. The log also shows this. Because the buffer of
module-loopback is filled when playback is started, buffering should
not be a problem.

Do loopback module stop the running pcm stream ?

Seem pulseaudio does not use snd_pcm_drop nor snd_pcm_drain, how can the running pcm stream stop?

This is the beginning of the suspend function of module-loopback, so obviously
snd_pcm_close close is called instead of snd_pcm_drop or _drain (I did not
change anything here):

static int suspend(struct userdata *u) {

    /* Let's suspend -- we don't call snd_pcm_drain() here since that might
     * take awfully long with our long buffer sizes today. */

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