If you are running a systemd service that needs pulseaudio up and running,
then you need to do two things:

set up pulseaudio as a systemd service
declare a dependency on your pulseaudio systemd service

At least some of the documentation for this can be found at :


Toby Haynes

On Thu, 30 Mar 2017 at 15:51 Stéphane Boucher <sbouc...@d-box.com> wrote:

> Setup:
> Ubuntu Mate 16.04.1
> Application to run as a systemd service.  It uses PortAudio, which uses
> alsa… which uses pulse audio due to plugin.
> Due to needing timestamps, I explicitly what to use hw:1,0 and bypass
> pulseaudio.  However, it seems that pulseaudio is still required for
> initialisation.
> Starting the application as a service (requiring sound.target) does not
> work.  Because no pulseaudio is started prior to login.
> I’m at a loss as to how to cleanly do things.
> I see the benefits of pulseaudio, but in my present case, I need to
> bypass it somehow, and have the service application able to have a properly
> initialised alsa & hw:1,0.
> I’ve tried pasuspender, but if pulseaudio is not running, pasuspender
> isn’t happy.
> Consultant software
> D-BOX Technologies Inc. | *A.* 2172 de la Province, Longueuil, QC J4G 1R7
> CANADA | T. 450-442-3003 <(450)%20442-3003> | *W.* d-box.com
> <http://www.d-box.com>
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