Le 20/07/2017 à 16:48, Tanu Kaskinen a écrit :
On Debian 8, with Linux kernel 4.9 and PulseAudio 7 only one entry work
for input and one work for output. If I change the jack cable of plug
entry I noticed "unplugged" state on PavuControl.

What I can do to chose myself which one I want for output and which one
for input ?

Ubuntu has a pop-up GUI for selecting the device type if the jack
supports multiple types of devices but isn't able to automatically
detect the type. I don't think Debian has that GUI.

Is it possible to perform the same thing from pavucontrol or the command-line ?

The Ubuntu desktop team tells me that the GUI you're talking about is shipped into unity-settings-daemon.

Best regards.
Visual-Impairment Project Manager
Hypra - "Humanizing technology"
pulseaudio-discuss mailing list

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