On Wed, 5 Dec 2018, at 3:59 PM, Tanu Kaskinen wrote:
> On Wed, 2018-12-05 at 15:08 +0530, Arun Raghavan wrote:
> > Hey folks,
> > I've written up a quick analysis of the channel positions we
> > currently support, and what I think makes sense:
> > 
> >   
> > https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/gstreamer/gst-plugins-base/merge_requests/55#note_85318
> > 
> > The summary is that "Rear Left/Right" is currently being used in
> > place of what should be "Left/Right Surround", and we do not have any
> > channel  position between that position and "Rear Center", which is
> > needed for common 7.1 configurations (what would be "Rear Left/Right
> > Surround").
> > 
> > To add to this, the PulseAudio channelmap header is incorrect in that
> > we say that "Side Left/Right" should correspond to Dolby "Surround
> > Left/Right" when they are separate (they are further forward than
> > "Surround Left/Right". Yhis can be corrected easily enough as it's
> > just a documentation comment.
> > 
> > My proposal is to add a "Rear Left/Right of Center" position to
> > represent the missing positions. At the ALSA level, it would
> > correspond to RLC/RRC.
> > 
> > Any comments?
> If I understood correctly, you're proposing that we should have three
> surround channel pairs (side, surround and rear) instead of two (side
> and rear). What practical problem would this solve?
> I'm aware of the problem that some 5.1 streams use side and some use
> rear in their channel map specification (I don't know if there's any
> good reason for this), and up until very recently we didn't handle the
> side case properly. However, Alexander fixed this:
> https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/pulseaudio/pulseaudio/commit/73156649e76ac4000931990edcdcb3be31aade7b

In this case, the problem is that rear left/right means different things based 
on the content.

For 5.1 content, you will use FL, FR, FC, RL, RR, LFE.

Now when you add 2 more channels for 7.1 content, those are supposed to be 
further *behind* the 2 surround channels of 5.1, but we do not have such 
channels. Which means we need to represent 7.1 content as FL, FR, FC, SL, SR, 

So Rear Left/Right means different things based on the content, rather than 
have a somewhat fixed notion. This is illustrated in:


Also, notionally, for Dolby/DTS side left/right is a distinct set of channels 
from surround left/right, though I'm not aware of whether content that provides 
individual streams for those two sets of channel exists (see page 82 of 

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