Hello PulseAudio developers!

I have the following problem and I hope that you can help me:

The problem:
The audio combo jack on my laptop (Dell 5289) is not recognized by Fedora 29.
When I connect my headphones to the audio combo jack the headphones are not 
recognized in GNOME Settings or in AlsaMixer.

I followed the steps on the Fedora wiki 
(https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/How_to_debug_sound_problems) to solve the 

Hardware information:
The file 'also-info.txt' is attached to this e-mail.

Is it PulseAudio?:
When I remove PulseAudio the audio jack is still not recognized.

Mixer settings:
When I run alsamixer -c0 the audio jack is not recognized.

Model parameter:
The Subsystem ID of my sound card is 1028:07aa.
When I search for this subsystem id I get one result: 
The bug (on Ubuntu) is still open and doesn't provide a model parameter.

My guess it's a driver issue and I have to wait for a new kernel release that 
supports my audio device?
Do you think this is the problem or is there another way to solve it?
Is it possible that this problem is solved in Fedora 30? In that case I just 

Thanks in advance,


Attachment: alsa-info.txt.ps0txD5l22
Description: Binary data

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