On 22.04.19 09:34, Tanu Kaskinen wrote:
On Sat, 2019-04-20 at 11:38 +0200, Georg Chini wrote:

PA uses malloc() in the IO-thread, so are we doing things wrong?
I think using malloc() when a parameter changes is not interfering
with real-time operation because the filter must be reset after
a parameter change anyway.
Am I allowed to use free() from the I/O-thread? The current scheme for updating parameters I have in mind should work for any of the existing filters and relies on
passing around parameter structures:

    /* The following functions can be provided to set and get parameters. The parameter      * structure is defined by the filter and should contain all parameters that are      * configurable by the user. The library code makes no assumption on the contents      * of the structure but only passes references. The library implements a message      * handler which supports the following messages that use the functions below:
     * get_parameter - Retrieve a single parameter.
     * set_parameter - Set a single parameter.
     * get_all_parameters - Retrieve all parameters as a comma separated list.
     * set_all_parameters - Set all parameters simultaneously.
     * get_parameter_description - Returns a list that describes all parameters.
     *                             Format of the list elements is:
     * {{Identifier}{Type}{default}{min}{max}}
     * The last message can be used to get information about the filter or to implement
     * a filter control GUI that is independent of the filter type. */

    /* Get the value of the parameter described by identifier. The value shall be returned      * as a string in value. The identifier may be any string that the filter recognizes      * like a name or index, depending of the implementation of this function. */     int (*parameter_get)(const char *identifier, char **value, void *userdata);

    /* Sets the value of the parameter described by identifier. The value is expected as      * a string. The identifier may be any string that the filter recognizes like a name      * or index. Returns a parameter structure filled with all current parameter values,      * reflecting the updated parameter, so that the structure can be passed to      * update_filter_parameter(). update_filter_parameter() will replace the current
     * parameter set with the new structure. */
    void *(*parameter_set)(const char *identifier, const char *value, void *userdata);

    /* Returns a comma separated list of the values of all filter parameters. */
    char *(*parameter_get_all)(void *userdata);

    /* Expects a comma separated list of all filter parameter values and returns a parameter      * structure that can be passed to update_filter_parameters(). See set_parameter(). */
    void *(*parameter_set_all(const char *all_params, void *userdata);

    /* Returns a parameter description string as described above. */

This would allocate the memory in the main thread but would require that
the I/O-thread frees the old parameter structure when it is replaced. Alternatively
the function that replaces the old structure with the new one could return a
pointer to the old structure, so that it can be freed in the main thread.

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