On Mon, 21 Dec 2020, at 9:52 AM, guest271314 wrote:
> A virtual microphone can be created using module-remap-source 
> https://aweirdimagination.net/2020/07/19/virtual-microphone-using-gstreamer-and-pulseaudio/
> pactl load-module module-remap-source \ master=virtmic.monitor 
> source_name=virtmic \ 
> source_properties=device.description=Virtual_Microphone
> AFAICT a sink-input cannot be set as the source for the virtual microphone.
> A sink-input can be recorded using parec or parecord --monitor-stream option
> parecord -v -r --monitor-stream=26 --file-format=wav output.wav
> How to set a sink-input as source for the virtual microphone so that 
> the output of the sink-input is still played back to speakers or 
> headphones and simultaneously is the source of the virtual microphone?

You could use module-combine-sink to play that sink input to a null-sink and 
the real sink, and then use the null-sink's monitor as your source.

-- Arun
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