On Sun, Jan 02, 2022 at 02:02:39PM +0100, Georg Chini wrote:
> On 02.01.22 12:32, Josef Wolf wrote:
> >   pactl load-module module-udev-detect
> >   pactl load-module module-combine-sink 
> > slaves=alsa_output.0.hdmi-stereo,bluez_sink.A4_77_58_02_93_FB.a2dp_sink
> if you load module-combine-sink without the slaves argument, it should
> add newly appearing sinks automatically to the combine sink.


Thanks for the hint, Georg! This works (as far as PA is concerned!)

Turns out that I mis-interpreted the cause of the problem. The real problem
seems to lie withhin the BT stack: the BT-speaker will not reconnect
automatically when libreelec is rebooted.

Josef Wolf

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