On Fri, 11 May 2007, Pierre Ossman wrote:

> Andrzej Wasowski wrote:
> No, RTP is more of a "broadcast" protocol. You can use the same, native,
> protocol that clients use. Use the tunnel module for this (see homepage
> for details).

Thanks a lot.  I will have a look at it.

>> My second question is unrelated to rtp.  I have problems with local mixing on
>> the server.
> Sounds like your sound driver is a bit buggy and gets into some funky
> state when you use mpd. Have you tried running mpd through the local
> pulse server?

This is exactly what I do.  I run mpd with the pulse module.  Nevertheless 
the effect is similar in both cases:  whether I use alsa directly or via 
pulse server.  I am using a USB audio card and the standard usb audio 
driver of linux kernel.


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