On Mon, 28.05.07 22:28, Paul Jones ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> However, now my pulseaudio sound server no longer works as I expect it to.
> One of the problems I am having is with Iceweasel. With the sound server on
> I cannot get flash sound. I have the compatibility module installed, but
> still nothing. I have had a perfect setup before so I do not think there is
> anything I am doing wrong.

This might be caused by an upgrade of Flash. I.e. Flash8 is just
borked when it comes to ALSA support. Flash 7 was a better citizen.

> That is part of the problem. When I look at running processes pulseaudio is
> no longer listed like it used to be. I figured out how to get pulseaudio to
> start automatically by editing /etc/default/pulseaudio. Anyway, the file
> says /etc/default/pulseaudio isn't even the recommended way of getting
> pulseaudio to start automatically. And at sometimes when I don't have
> pulseaudio starting automatically and I try to start it automatically from a
> terminal it simply will not start. I do not think it is my kernel because I
> have had pulseaudio working on a very similar custom kernel.

What do the logs say?

Have you installed pulseaudio-compat-esound? If this is installed PA
should be started automatically by gnome-session.


Lennart Poettering                        Red Hat, Inc.
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