On Wed, 21.11.07 23:10, Hasse Hagen Johansen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> >>>>> "Lennart" == Lennart Poettering <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     Lennart> On Tue, 20.11.07 20:04, Hasse Hagen Johansen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
> wrote:
>     >> 
> > >>>>> "Lennart" == Lennart Poettering <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>     >> writes:
>     >> 
>     >> 
>     >> 
>     Lennart> This again sounds like an issue of TCP vs. UNIX sockets.
>     >> 
>     >> This is actually not the problem I am experiencing. I only have
>     >> problems with audacious :-) my pax11publish _is_ using a unix
>     >> socket
>     >> 
>     Lennart> PS: There's something wrong with the way your user agent
>     Lennart> quotes...
>     >> 
>     >> What is wrong with it?
>     Lennart> It prepends som random name before the "> " which it is
>     Lennart> supposed to prepend.
> No. It prepends the name of who I cite(or actually who I am reply'ing
> to). I believe your mua should handle this. I don't see any strange
> indention or anything in the mua's I have access to. It is quite
> usefull to have the names before the citations when mailing between
> several people

Uh? It's certainly great to read your own name that often in other
people's emails, but OTOH I do remember my name quite well, so I don't
really need to be reminded of it that often.

Besides the fact that your emails become a lot more difficult to read
with a much lower signal-to-noise ratio [1] it also breaks the wrapping
post-el does when you press M-q on your your quotations. And that

But anyway, the PA mailing list is certainly not the place to discuss
misguided quoting styles, so let's stop this now.


[1] Especially if emails of some user which do use this kind of silly
    quoting and someone who does not use this, go back and forth. Just
    have a look how chaotic the quoted part in this email looks like.

Lennart Poettering                        Red Hat, Inc.
lennart [at] poettering [dot] net         ICQ# 11060553
http://0pointer.net/lennart/           GnuPG 0x1A015CC4
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