On Sat, 23.05.09 19:50, Jud Craft (craft...@gmail.com) wrote:

> Unlike most multimedia applications that have an internal volume
> meter, Rhythmbox actually communicates it's internal volume value to
> Pulseaudio, and Pulse in turn uses that as Rhythmbox's per-app volume.
> Problem:  when Rhythmbox is the only app running, this means that any
> Main Volume adjustment to PulseAudio is doubly applied to Rhythmbox
> (since Pulse will adjust Rhythmbox to match the main system volume,
> which changes Rhythmbox's internal volume setting).


I'd be surprised if what you say really was the case, but if it was
then please file a bug against rb.

The control flow should go like this:

user changes volume in rb UI -> rb forwards that as sink input volume
change to PA -> PA applies it to the stream -> PA forwards it via the
flat vol logic to the sink volume.

RB should not never look directly at the sink volume. Only ever at the
sink input volume.

> So, for example, moving the Main Volume to 88%, will cascade back into
> Rhythmbox, reducing the in-app volume by over 50%.

That sounds like a bug. Could you please file a bug?

> Note that like with alsamixer, Pulseaudio's per-app audio doesn't
> actually match Rhythmbox's internal volume.  Hence, setting the Pulse
> volume for Rhythmbox to 88% will set the in-Rhythmbox volume to near
> 45%.

alsamixer and PA's volume scales are usually not aligned. PA applies a
device independant dB volume scale. And even then PA shifts the dB
scale a bit so that 0dB is always max hw amplification.

If you try to compare PA's and alsamixer's look for the dB scale,
ignore the percentage scale.


Lennart Poettering                        Red Hat, Inc.
lennart [at] poettering [dot] net
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