On Sun, 07.06.09 09:13, Marco Peroverde (marco.perove...@googlemail.com) wrote:

>> Then file a bug and ask them to include it.
> I was up to do so and then recognized, there is already one for some
> time.
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio/+bug/109659
> Their problem is, that jack relies on freebob and freebob is
> replaced by ffado so they put jack to the univerese repository. But
> Pulseaudio is in main repository. So thy can not provide prebuild
> packages and point to the Debian module-jack-sink/source deb.

That never was a compelling argument and it still isn't. They could
build the package twice, or they could seperate the binary packages
instead of the source packages. There's a lot that could be done to
fix this.

>> The proper fix for your situation is to have a proper Firewire plugin
>> for PA. And I offered it before, and am offering it again: I am happy
>> to do the work for that if someone supplies me with a ffado comaptible
>> device for at least two months or so.
> Do you want to replace ffado or do you want to link PA to ffado?

Link against it. I am not going to reinvent the wheel. I am not stupid.


Lennart Poettering                        Red Hat, Inc.
lennart [at] poettering [dot] net
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