On 10 Jun 2009, Felipe Contreras stated:

> What do you propose instead? Have a "$version-stable" branch for each
> and every release? That doesn't scale, the repository will be polluted
> with branches that nobody use any more.

Yes, exactly. Branches are (very) cheap.

(In any case, someone might well use it. Maybe someone, five years from
now, will have a reason to look at the latest stable 0.9.15 code.)

> And it is a good use of git, remember that a branch is just a pointer,
> and the pointer can jump from one commit to a complete unrelated one,
> there's nothing wrong with that.

Well, it's confusing for people pulling from the repo.

> I still haven't heard an advantage of "$version-stable" over "stable".

Long-term consistency of branch name -> version mapping. This really
does matter (although going as far as the GCC project has and retaining
twenty-year-old weekly snapshot tags 'just in case' might be going a
*little* far).
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