On Sat, 2009-08-15 at 17:14 +0200, Lennart Poettering wrote:
> No. PA does not allow you to connect the JACK and the BT sinks/sources
> directly. Sorry.
> Also, this doesn't make much sense anyway. JACK is for audio
> production. A2DP/BT is certainly completely unsuitable for audio
> production. It's a spec that is amazingly simple-minded -- it lacks
> any kind of timing synchronization.<snipped here>

I agree, but simple 'home-level' audio production may certainly be done
on a Pulse-enabled machine, and not being able to use my Bluetooth
headphones for that would be a bit of a bother. I saw the other code
contribution concerning bluetooth source and your comment on direct
source-to-sink, so I guess eventually Pulse will be able to do that. I
know, patches welcome, if my skill level gets there I'd be more than
happy to =).

> Good question. I only made sure the code works fine with the headsets
> I personally possess. As I heard it seems to work fine on many
> headsets, but then again we also have at least one report in the BTS
> where things don't work (though I assume that is more related to the
> faulty dongle than to a faulty headset):
> http://pulseaudio.org/ticket/612
> I am pretty sure the Nokians have done a bit more testing with various
> headsets, they might know better. Given that the amount of patches
> regarding the BT stuff coming from them is not as big as it used to be
> I'd interpolate that PA's BT support is pretty good now... ;-)
> Lennart

This is very good to know. Thank you. Dongles are not a concern to me
personally as I'm on a laptop with built-in and fully-functional (as far
as I can tell) bluetooth.

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