On Wed, 7 Oct 2009 20:47:06 +0200
Lennart Poettering <lenn...@poettering.net> wrote:

... snip

> Is your software Free Software? If so, may I have a peek on your code?
> Lennart

Yeah, it's hosted on sourceforge (http://discord.sourceforge.net)

This is a development branch, so it isn't clean, but you should be able
to compile it and run to test yourself.  I'm using a script test file
that uses some sound samples I have.  If you change the samples (at the
bottom of the file) to point to some wavs that you have it should
exhibit the same behavior for you. (http://www.freesound.org) Or not.

This is a link to the code, good for one week.


The script file is attached.  Run it as 

/yourpathtoexecutable/discord -a plughw:3,0 -r 44100 spin_test.discord

If you have more than 3 sound devices, make it higher. e.g. plughw:5,0
If you remove the -a plughw:3,0 option, it will use the default sound
device and should work (it does here).

Just by the by, the spin effect (that the test file runs) isn't
spinning properly (yet).  HRTFs and all that.

Attachment: spin_test.discord
Description: Binary data

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