'Twas brillig, and Chris Joelly at 14/11/09 11:34 did gyre and gimble:
i am lokking for a possibility to reroute audio which is sent from an
application to /dev/dsp to another sink, but i can not find the sending
application within the tool pavucontrol.

If an application is writing to /dev/dsp this means it is using the deprecated OSS interface. The app in question should probably be updated to use something more modern like the ALSA API (make sure you stick to the "Safe API Subset" tho')

In order to ensure this legacy application still works on a modern system there are essentially two options: 1. Start your application through the padsp wrapper app. This will intercept the calls the app makes to open /dev/dsp and instead route the audio through PulseAudio. Any sensible distro will ensure this is done for you in the .desktop files supplied with applications, so starting them via the menu should "Just Work". If you distro does not do this for your app, then complain to them.

2. A more modern alternative is to use osspd. This needs a very recent kernel (with cuse support) and fuse package. It's probably not work going into in detail.

Both of these "hacks" whill hopefully not be required for much longer and OSS can fully be put to rest.



Colin Guthrie

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  Tribalogic Limited [http://www.tribalogic.net/]
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  PulseAudio Hacker [http://www.pulseaudio.org/]
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