
'Twas brillig, and vitaminx at 26/11/09 03:27 did gyre and gimble:
I'm pretty new to pulseaudio and after some days of reading manuals i'm
actually stuck with 3 things:

- i have a media server running pulseaudio and i want to stream audio to
it. works pretty well so far, but my bandwidth is quite low for the
moment so i want to downsample the sound *only* when i use the tunnel
i'm stuck here, i don't know where to configure that. daemon.conf
(default-sample-rate) doesn't seem to be the right place because it
resamples the sound locally as well - what i don't want.

See http://pulseaudio.org/wiki/Modules#DeviceDrivers

The module-tunnel-sink module should take a rate= argument. There is no GUI tool to configure this, but if you enable it via paprefs, you can hack it into the mix using gconf-editor (for now at least - I am intending on changing this eventually).

FWIW, some kind of tunnel compression technology has been mooted in the past and will likely eventually make it's way into PA, but there are several other things that are further up the priority list, so I wouldn't hold your breath for too long! :p

- using alsamixer i'm getting a new pulseaudio device by default. that's
cool - i thought - so i could map my multimedia keys to amixer to
control the volumes... with no success, because alsamixer shows me the
volume bar but it doesn't let me change it. why is that and can i enable
it somehow?

You can use it, but you have to use the numbers 0-9... for some unknown reason (read: no ones really be bothered enough to seriously look) the arrow keys don't work!

"amixer set Master +10%"

Should get your your volume adjustment.




Colin Guthrie

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  Tribalogic Limited [http://www.tribalogic.net/]
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  PulseAudio Hacker [http://www.pulseaudio.org/]
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