'Twas brillig, and Gregory Petrosyan at 25/11/09 21:34 did gyre and gimble:
On Thu, Nov 19, 2009 at 9:54 PM, Gregory Petrosyan
<gregory.petros...@gmail.com> wrote:
I believe there is a bug in PA: when trying to drain empty stream
(newly created, or just after pa_stream_flush()) returned pa_operation
never completes. Because it's not possible to know in advance if
a stream is empty, IMO pa_stream_drain should succeed ASAP
when called on empty stream, and not hang.

Hey, a week has passed, and the bug is still alive!

Sorry, the main guy who could answer this is currently on holidays.

Please push a bug into Trac so that it's not lost among the many emails when he returns.

I'm not sure I know enough about this side of things to comment in any useful way (on the surface of your description I'm tending to agree with your but I don't know the implications!



Colin Guthrie

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