#107: suggestion optimization: libevent
 Reporter:  Lennie       |       Owner:  lennart
     Type:  enhancement  |      Status:  new    
 Priority:  normal       |   Milestone:         
Component:  daemon       |    Severity:  normal 
 Keywords:  performance  |  
 It seems PulseAudio uses a lot of CPU, more then 2 times as much as 4
 mplayers together playing mp3/ogg streams. This is probably not such a
 great idea, as the PulseAudio has a very high

 When I look at the daemon with strace, I notice a _lot_ of polling, I
 would like to suggest looking
 into using something like epoll or better even, because PulseAudio is so
 portable across platforms,

 It's just a suggestion.

 I don't know the code very well, so maybe I've got it all wrong, it's just
 my first thought when looking at it.

 It could possible make it more scalable and perform better.

 I hope this was usefull, keep up the good work.

Ticket URL: <http://pulseaudio.org/ticket/107>
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