#482: Bit for bit from harddrive to soundcard
  Reporter:  zman9001  |       Owner:  lennart                       
      Type:  defect    |      Status:  new                           
  Priority:  normal    |   Milestone:                                
 Component:  daemon    |    Severity:  normal                        
Resolution:            |    Keywords:  downsampling native samplerate
Comment (by coling):

 To be honest you'd probably be better joining the mailing list and asking
 there. It's a more appropriate channel for discussing and support like
 that, where as Trac is really more of a bug tracker.

 It would also help to know what you have tried etc.

 To start you off, what would happen if you set:
 default-sample-rate = 96000
 in /etc/pulse/daemon.conf?

 Have you tried that?

 It will mean that everything gets resampled to 96000, which in turn means
 that your system may be under increased load when playing simple things
 like desktop effects etc.

 It will be interesting to see whether Lennart's work on module-alsa-card
 support will allow to switch the frequency as part of the profile
 switching.... (even if it doesn't now I'd imagine it will do in the

Ticket URL: <http://www.pulseaudio.org/ticket/482#comment:1>
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