#512: module-jack-sink segfault
  Reporter:  matth45        |       Owner:  lennart                            
      Type:  defect         |      Status:  new                                
  Priority:  high           |   Milestone:                                     
 Component:  module-jack-*  |    Severity:  major                              
Resolution:                 |    Keywords:  segfault jackd disconnect zombified
Changes (by matth45):

  * keywords:  segfault => segfault jackd disconnect zombified
  * severity:  normal => major


 Using the attached simplified default.pa configuration file pulseaudio no
 longer causes a segmentation fault, but it loses its connection to jackd
 (looking at the debug output above the lost connection seems to be the
 root cause of the error).

 Here is the output for the new default.pa
 $ pulseaudio --log-level=debug
 I: caps.c: Limited capabilities successfully to CAP_SYS_NICE.
 I: caps.c: Dropping root privileges.
 I: caps.c: Limited capabilities successfully to CAP_SYS_NICE.
 D: main.c: Started as real root: no, suid root: yes
 I: main.c: We're in the group 'pulse-rt', allowing high-priority
 I: main.c: We're in the group 'pulse-rt', allowing real-time scheduling.
 I: main.c: RLIMIT_RTPRIO is set to 99, allowing real-time scheduling.
 I: main.c: RLIMIT_NICE is set to 40, allowing high-priority scheduling.
 I: core-util.c: Successfully gained nice level -11.
 D: main.c: Can realtime: yes, can high-priority: yes
 I: main.c: Giving up CAP_NICE
 D: main.c: Can realtime: yes, can high-priority: yes
 I: main.c: This is PulseAudio 0.9.14
 D: main.c: Compilation host: i386-redhat-linux-gnu
 D: main.c: Compilation CFLAGS: -ggdb -Wall -W -Wextra -pedantic -pipe
 -Wno-long-long -Wvla -Wno-overlength-strings -Wconversion -Wundef -Wformat
 -Wlogical-op -Wpacked -Wformat-security -Wmissing-include-dirs -Wformat-
 nonliteral -Wold-style-definition -Wdeclaration-after-statement -Wfloat-
 equal -Wmissing-declarations -Wmissing-prototypes -Wstrict-prototypes
 -Wredundant-decls -Wmissing-noreturn -Wshadow -Wendif-labels -Wpointer-
 arith -Wcast-align -Wwrite-strings -Wno-unused-parameter -ffast-math
 D: main.c: Running on host: Linux i686 #1 SMP
 Mon Feb 23 13:21:22 EST 2009
 I: main.c: Page size is 4096 bytes
 D: main.c: Compiled with Valgrind support: no
 D: main.c: Running in valgrind mode: no
 D: main.c: Optimized build: no
 I: main.c: Machine ID is 03915f3e108fe94a48048100463a06ad.
 I: main.c: Using runtime directory
 I: main.c: Using state directory /home/media/.pulse.
 I: main.c: Running in system mode: no
 W: pid.c: Stale PID file, overwriting.
 I: main.c: Fresh high-resolution timers available! Bon appetit!
 D: memblock.c: Using shared memory pool with 1024 slots of size 64.0 KiB
 each, total size is 64.0 MiB, maximum usable slot size is 65496
 D: cli-command.c: Checking for existance of '/usr/lib/pulse-0.9/modules
 /module-esound-protocol-unix.so': success
 I: module.c: Loaded "module-esound-protocol-unix" (index: #0; argument:
 I: module.c: Loaded "module-native-protocol-unix" (index: #1; argument:
 I: module.c: Loaded "module-esound-protocol-tcp" (index: #2; argument:
 I: module.c: Loaded "module-native-protocol-tcp" (index: #3; argument:
 I: client.c: Created 0 "ConsoleKit Session
 D: module-console-kit.c: Added new session
 I: module.c: Loaded "module-console-kit" (index: #4; argument: "").
 I: module.c: Loaded "module-position-event-sounds" (index: #5; argument:
 D: cli-command.c: Checking for existance of '/usr/lib/pulse-0.9/modules
 /module-jack-sink.so': success
 I: module-jack-sink.c: Successfully connected as 'PulseAudio JACK Sink'
 I: sink.c: Created sink 0 "puff-jack-output" with sample spec float32le
 6ch 48000Hz and channel map front-left,front-right,rear-left,rear-right
 I: source.c: Created source 0 "puff-jack-output.monitor" with sample spec
 float32le 6ch 48000Hz and channel map front-left,front-right,rear-left
 D: module-jack-sink.c: Thread starting up
 I: core-util.c: Successfully enabled SCHED_FIFO scheduling for thread,
 with priority 5.
 D: rtpoll.c: Acquired POSIX realtime signal SIGRTMIN+29
 I: module-jack-sink.c: JACK thread starting up.
 I: core-util.c: Successfully enabled SCHED_FIFO scheduling for thread,
 with priority 9.
 I: module.c: Loaded "module-jack-sink" (index: #6; argument: "sink_name
 =puff-jack-output channels=6 connect=false").
 D: cli-command.c: Checking for existance of '/usr/lib/pulse-0.9/modules
 /module-gconf.so': success
 I: module.c: Loaded "module-gconf" (index: #7; argument: "").
 I: main.c: Daemon startup complete.
 D: module-console-kit.c: dbus: interface=org.freedesktop.DBus,
 path=/org/freedesktop/DBus, member=NameAcquired
 I: client.c: Created 1 "Native client (UNIX socket client)"
 D: protocol-native.c: Protocol version: remote 14, local 14
 I: protocol-native.c: Got credentials: uid=500 gid=500 success=1
 D: protocol-native.c: SHM possible: yes
 D: protocol-native.c: Negotiated SHM: yes
 D: resampler.c: Channel matrix:
 D: resampler.c:        I00   I01
 D: resampler.c:     +------------
 D: resampler.c: O00 | 1.000 0.000
 D: resampler.c: O01 | 0.000 1.000
 D: resampler.c: O02 | 1.000 0.000
 D: resampler.c: O03 | 0.000 1.000
 D: resampler.c: O04 | 0.500 0.500
 D: resampler.c: O05 | 0.000 0.000
 I: resampler.c: Using resampler 'speex-float-3'
 I: resampler.c: Using float32le as working format.
 I: resampler.c: Choosing speex quality setting 3.
 D: memblockq.c: memblockq requested: maxlength=33554432, tlength=0,
 base=24, prebuf=0, minreq=1 maxrewind=0
 D: memblockq.c: memblockq sanitized: maxlength=33554448, tlength=33554448,
 base=24, prebuf=0, minreq=24 maxrewind=0
 I: sink-input.c: Created input 0 "audio stream" on puff-jack-output with
 sample spec s16le 2ch 44100Hz and channel map front-left,front-right
 I: protocol-native.c: Requested tlength=250.00 ms, minreq=20.00 ms
 D: protocol-native.c: Traditional mode enabled, modifying sink usec only
 for compat with minreq.
 D: memblockq.c: memblockq requested: maxlength=4194304, tlength=44100,
 base=4, prebuf=44100, minreq=3528 maxrewind=0
 D: memblockq.c: memblockq sanitized: maxlength=4194304, tlength=44100,
 base=4, prebuf=44100, minreq=3528 maxrewind=0
 I: protocol-native.c: Final latency 460.00 ms = 210.00 ms + 2*20.00 ms +
 210.00 ms
 W: module-jack-sink.c: JACK error >zombified - calling shutdown handler<
 I: module-jack-sink.c: JACK thread shutting down..
 D: protocol-native.c: Requesting rewind due to end of underrun.
 I: module.c: Unloading "module-jack-sink" (index: #6).
 I: sink-input.c: Freeing input 0 "audio stream"
 D: module-jack-sink.c: Thread shutting down
 I: sink.c: Freeing sink 0 "puff-jack-output"
 I: source.c: Freeing source 0 "puff-jack-output.monitor"
 I: module.c: Unloaded "module-jack-sink" (index: #6).
 I: client.c: Freed 1 "MPlayer"
 I: protocol-native.c: Connection died.

Ticket URL: <http://pulseaudio.org/ticket/512#comment:1>
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