#573: Deformed sound with 6 channels
 Reporter:  ares      |       Owner:  lennart
     Type:  defect    |      Status:  new    
Milestone:  0.9.16    |   Component:  daemon 
 Keywords:  channels  |  
 I used pulseaudio v. 0.9.8 with default-sample-channels = 6. It worked
 just great. Then I had to upgrade to version 0.9.15. When I have 6
 channels enabled, sound is choppy and jumps between reproductors randomly.

 When I switch to default-sample-channels = 4 everythink works as expected
 (only 4 channels), same situation for default-sample-channels = 2. When I
 set default-sample-channels = 8, again it seems everythink is all right
 but subwoofer produces no sound and I get two more channels of course.

 My setup:
 repro: 5.1
 soundcard: NVidia CK804
 cables: checked :)
 OS: debian sid (unstable)
 uname -r: 2.6.29-2-686
 alsa: 1.0.20
 pulseaudio: 0.9.15-2 (-2 stands for debian revision)

 I belive that this defect came sooner that 0.9.15 but I cannot find the
 right version. I'm attaching also a log from /var/log/messages that I
 captured when I changed stereo output to output analog surround 5.1 in

 Ask for any other info if you need.

Ticket URL: <http://pulseaudio.org/ticket/573>
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