#606: [PATCH] pulseaudio systemwide is a pain
  Reporter:  Rudd-O  |       Owner:  lennart
      Type:  defect  |      Status:  new    
 Milestone:          |   Component:  clients
Resolution:          |    Keywords:         

Comment(by coling):

 I'm afraid your analysis is wrong on a couple of points:

  1. padevchooser is obsolete and shouldn't be used (but that's more
  2. padevchooser does not edit client.conf. No tools edit client.conf,
 therefore if a user edits their client.conf to specify a default server
 then they do not want to use a local pulse server and pulse should not be
 started. padevchooser uses X11 Properties (xprop -root | grep PULSE) to
 override various defaults etc.
  3. Even if start-pulseaudio-x11 did not run at login and the user
 subsequently changed their client.conf, pulse would still autospawn. It
 just wouldn't have x11 properties set for handy SSHing.

 If the user specifies a server in their personal client.conf, it's the
 same as specifying it in the system wide one.

 What if the system wide client.conf specifies a default server, but the
 users specific one does not? start-pulseaudio-x11 will not be run with
 your patch. It should be.

 The modifications relating to starting pulse based on client.conf should
 not be about "whether a system wide isntance is used." it should be about
 whether they will be connecting to a local server or a remote one. Using
 the default-server config option as an indicator that "system wide" is
 used (as per the comment in the patch) is an invalid assumption.

 Of course you could say that if they set the default server to localhost
 or or <insert IPV6 localhost here> then we *do* need to start a
 local server, but doing that sort of analysis is too much I think.

 If your first comment in your analysis is true, then there should be no
 checks at all on any client.conf.

 So I respectfully disagree with your analysis :)

Ticket URL: <http://pulseaudio.org/ticket/606#comment:3>
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