#639: Phonon error-messages about not working device after KDE-login.
  Reporter:  COMER352L  |       Owner:  lennart
      Type:  defect     |      Status:  closed 
 Milestone:             |   Component:  daemon 
Resolution:  invalid    |    Keywords:         

Comment(by COMER352L):

 Replying to [comment:3 coling]:
 > For a start Phonon and PulseAudio are very different beasts and
 PulseAudio deals with things at a fundamentally lower level than Phonon,
 so comparing them is useless even if Phonon appears to solve some of the
 same problems as PA, in reality it's is mile and miles short of providing
 the features and capabilities of PA. I'm quite happy to accept that and
 the Phonon devleoper's do to, and so should you! If there is any doubt,
 you should see how much resources and effort Nokia (who own Qt) are
 putting into PulseAudio development right now! Just look at Jyri's slides
 from LPC last week if you are in any doubt.

 That's pointless, you still didn't get the point...[[BR]]
 Again, this is not about PulseAudio vs. Phonon (or others) and which of
 them is the better approach/solution (I'm sure you know the doubts
 concerning PA that are expressed everywhere !).[[BR]]
 There is definitely no need to discuss this in this bug-report, I'm not
 interested in that.

 > Regardless of that, if pulseaudio is running on your system, then it
 will use the audio device. If some other app tries to access the audio
 device when pulse has it open it '''will''' fail unless your card supports
 hardware mixing. This is expected and cannot be avoided. This is why, if
 you use pulseaudio, you should route '''all''' your audio through it,
 either via the alsa-pulse plugin or via specific pulse client
 implementations in various audio libraries/programs (e.g. mplayer's -vo
 pulse, xine's pulse output plugin, vlc's pulse output plugin etc. etc.).
 This is how pulseaudio is designed to work and how you would configure
 pulse to "not interfere with phonon" (or rather configure phonon to not
 interfere with pulse!
 > To expect both phonon and pulse to access the hardware at the same time
 on devices that do not support hardware mixing shows a lack of

 Now you're back on the right track, discussing the technical background.
 It's clearly the better choice than being dismissive and putting the blame
 on projects (great for the user, if the behave the same !).[[BR]]
 I'm glad you understand now that this is likely a device-access-problem
 and not about phonon-integration (maybe I wasn't precise enough in my
 first description).[[BR]]
 I accept the fact that the decission has to be PulseAudio OR others, if
 there is really no way get them work together. I'm just wondering why it
 seems to work for so many other devices, including my notebook (without
 hardware-mixing, too)...

 > And please do not deride my efforts to improve the interaction between
 pulseaudio and phonon.

 Read my comment thoroughly again and will notice that I never did. You
 work is appreciated.

 > Please be a little more considered in your responses in future.

 Please reconsider your arrogant attitude. It's a kind of self-restriction
 which bars PulseAudio from getting better.
 Don't be afraid about future responses, because there will be no further
 bug-reports from me.

Ticket URL: <http://pulseaudio.org/ticket/639#comment:4>
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