#495: Output to an RAOP sink skips
  Reporter:  clconway  |       Owner:  coling               
      Type:  defect    |      Status:  new                  
 Milestone:            |   Component:  module-raop-*        
Resolution:            |    Keywords:  module-raop-sink skip

Comment(by peitschie):


 Firstly, thanks for the very useful plugin/feature!  The detection and
 behaviour worked straight away, but I found on occasion the sound would
 suddenly start breaking up.

 After a day spent fiddling yesterday, I have found a way to make the raop
 module skip relatively reliably under the Ubuntu Karmic beta release
 (based on version 0.9.18-0ubuntu3 I believe).

 Basically, if I have either only one pulseaudio-based computer on the
 network, or the pulseaudio computer feeding the Airport does NOT attempt
 to share its local devices or locate networked devices, the sound always
 works fine.  If I switch either of these options on though, as soon as I
 add another pulseaudio-based computer, the music stream to the Airport
 appears to break up significantly.

 I'm able and willing to do code/debugging type activities as required if
 you're interested in helping me follow this through a bit more :-).

 Again... many thanks this feature.  Helps me get one step closer to being
 able to simultaneously broadcast to every stereo in my house from the same
 computer :D

Ticket URL: <http://pulseaudio.org/ticket/495#comment:10>
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