#759: pa_stream_writable_size() failed
  Reporter:  Paul D  |       Owner:  lennart                 
      Type:  defect  |      Status:  new                     
 Milestone:          |   Component:  daemon                  
Resolution:          |    Keywords:  pa_stream_writeable_size

Comment(by Paul D):

 Other possible relevant info. I am running Ubuntu Studio. The problem
 appears on two different computers I have. Both PCs have same motherboard
 same AMD processor. Different sound cards.
 One PC is Ubuntu 64 bit, the other Ubuntu 32 bit. The attached file is
 from the 64 bit OS.
 Also this from PC with Pulse lib 0.9.19. The problem occurred right away
 when starting Totem.
 I hope this is not confusing things.

Ticket URL: <http://pulseaudio.org/ticket/759#comment:5>
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