#784: pulseaudio handles console logout badly
  Reporter:  mnk     |       Owner:  lennart
      Type:  defect  |      Status:  new    
 Milestone:          |   Component:  daemon 
Resolution:          |    Keywords:         

Comment(by coling):

 Right so the module-x11-xsmp is not loaded, which means you are not
 running and X11 session manager. This means PA will naturally die off
 after a period of inactivity even if you are still running X.

 I'm wondering if we should also prevent the idle timeout with information
 from consolekit (i.e. if CK says we have a session, then don't shut down).
 This would almost negate the need for xsmp....

 It seems that at the end of the log, there is some error accessing some
 X11 stuff. I presume PA died at this stage? I'm not really sure where this
 error is, but you could try unloading the two x11 modules to see if this
 solves the problem. If possible try and isolate which of the two modules
 causes the problem.

Ticket URL: <http://pulseaudio.org/ticket/784#comment:3>
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