#786: When sound at remote sink, "client" gets buffer underrun and sound doesn't
  Reporter:  Konstigt  |       Owner:  lennart                    
      Type:  defect    |      Status:  new                        
 Milestone:            |   Component:  daemon                     
Resolution:            |    Keywords:  remote sink buffer underrun

Comment(by Konstigt):

 Since reporting this bug both client and server has new versions of PA.
 Client is now Ubuntu Lucid

 ii  pulseaudio                                 1:0.9.22~0.9.21+stable-
 queue-32-g8478-0ubuntu4~~karmic~ubuntuaudiodev1 PulseAudio sound server

 Server has almost the same version from the sound-devel ppa:

 ii  pulseaudio                                 1:0.9.22~0.9.21+stable-
 queue-32-g8478-0ubuntu5           PulseAudio sound server

 Same problem though!

Ticket URL: <http://pulseaudio.org/ticket/786#comment:3>
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