#797: PulseAudio: Unable to create stream: Too large"
 Reporter:  dj_segfault               |       Owner:  lennart
     Type:  defect                    |      Status:  new    
Milestone:                            |   Component:  daemon 
 Keywords:  alsa pcm_pulse too large  |  
 I have been frustrated with sound failures for as long as pulseaudio has
 been a part of Linux, and I'm trying my best to diagnose problems.  In
 Ubuntu 9.10, I'm finding that when some apps run, no other app can output
 sound, and they just freeze.  If I am running mythtvfrontend, and try to
 play a video from gnome-terminal, the video doesn't even start.  When I
 exit mythtvfrontend, the video starts.  If I play a streamed Flash movie
 in Firefox, most of the time any app that tries to output sound after it
 will be silent, and eventually sound won't work from Flash either.

 I tried running firefox in debug mode, and saw some interesting output.
 The relevant portion is HUNDREDS of lines saying
 "ALSA lib pcm_pulse.c:724:(pulse_prepare) PulseAudio: Unable to create
 stream: Too large".  I searched the PA bug database and didn't find that
 phrase in any existing bugs.  I did see mention of it in Fedora

Ticket URL: <http://pulseaudio.org/ticket/797>
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