#838: Assertion '!in_worker(m)' failed at pulse/thread-mainloop.c:161, function
pa_threaded_mainloop_stop(). Aborting.
  Reporter:  heftig  |       Owner:  lennart  
      Type:  defect  |      Status:  new      
 Milestone:          |   Component:  gst-pulse
Resolution:          |    Keywords:           

Comment(by coling):

 The assertion would appear to be one to protect against invalid useage of
 the PA API (i.e. calling methods from an incorrect thread (e.g. unsafe
 thread handling).

 This would seem to suggest one of two things:
  1. A GST bug
  2. A GST client (e.g. Pidgin) bug.

 I don't know enough personally about either GST or Pidgin to comment about
 where the problem actually is, but I guess it's best to ask a GST expert
 to comment to see whether the Pidgin use of the GST API is following their
 thread guidelines, or whether it's just something that GST needs to wrap
 up in order to offer a thread-safe API to it's clients (e.g. buffer the
 request in question and execute it in the appropriate thread when

Ticket URL: <http://pulseaudio.org/ticket/838#comment:3>
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