#655: pulseaudio crashes when using a52
  Reporter:  pyropeter  |       Owner:  lennart 
      Type:  defect     |      Status:  reopened
 Milestone:             |   Component:  daemon  
Resolution:             |    Keywords:          

Comment(by mcarans):

 I added to default.pa:
 load-module module-suspend-on-idle timeout=0

 and it seemed to prevent the sink unloading with Rhythmbox. SO I could
 open and close Rhythmbox and playing through SPDIF in Dolby Digital would

 However, when I load Oolite that uses libsdl then the unloading still
 seems to occur (so Oolite produces no sound).

Ticket URL: <http://pulseaudio.org/ticket/655#comment:7>
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