#889: Remote sink underrun
  Reporter:  scarleo  |       Owner:  lennart
      Type:  defect   |      Status:  new    
 Milestone:           |   Component:  daemon 
Resolution:           |    Keywords:         

Comment(by scarleo):

 I got a bit further with this matter. I discovered a service in my router,
 WMM (Wifi multimedia) which is a Quality of Service which is supposed to
 priorities things like voip over the LAN. When this service is on
 PulseAudio is stuttering heavily, it doesn't affect any other network
 services, Skype is fine. If I turn it off PulseAudio is much much better,
 only a sudden stutter every now and then. But with WMM off, if someone
 starts a download anywhere on the network the PulseAudio stream
 immediately fails, so bad that sometimes there is no sound at all. And
 these downloads weren't very big at all (~10-20 MB). Based on that WMM
 seems to do what it should but PulseAudio is somehow not very compatible
 with it, at least that is what is seems like to me. Could this be true? Is
 there a special protocol to be compatible with WMM? Are you aware of this

Ticket URL: <http://pulseaudio.org/ticket/889#comment:1>
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